Rico Apon

I'm a Software Engineer. What's your superpower?


Senior Software Engineer


My responsibility is to implement software for customers. This includes DevOps related tasks. Besides this, I am involved in a lot of other activities within the company:

  • Mentor Software Engineers.
  • Guild master of ~100 Software Engineers.
  • Create and teach courses, which includes data modeling, JUnit, SQL Query Basics and SQL Query Advanced.
  • Support in the hiring process.
December 2016 - Present

Student assistant

University of Leiden

I was an assistant in the course in which students give presentations and write articles. My job was to grade the presentations and articles.

2015 - 2016

Mathematics tutor

Bijlesnetwerk and StudentsPlus

I gave private Mathematics lessons to high school students and provided exam trainings.

2011 - 2016


Creator of Aris Machine

A programming game where you have to solve puzzles in the programming language Aris. See if you can solve all the puzzles!

I made the game from scratch in Angular. I did the design myself. Aris is a language I have created specifically for this game using the ANTLR library.

Creator of Space Points

A short card game where you try to get the highest score by building lasers and destroying ships. Can you beat my high score?

I made the game from scratch in Angular. I did the design myself. The cards have been created by another party via Fiverr.

Creator and maintainer of talentvoortaal.nl

I designed the website and have been maintaining the current version. The latest version is an SPA created in Angular. The code can be found in the GitHub repository. The master branch will be deployed to GitHub Pages as a test environment. All deployments (test and production) are automated using GitHub Actions.

Creator of Elite Four

A friend of mine requested an application which helps pick favorites out of large lists of options. This application went through all kinds of phases and tech stacks:

  • Desktop Java application using Swing.
  • Recreated Java application using Spring and React (see GitHub repository).
  • Recreated into another desktop application using Angular and Electron (see GitHub repository).
  • Web version copied from the Angular version with Electron removed and data saved into localStorage in the browser (see GitHub repository).

I am proud to say that the latest version is still being used!

Creator of Readable Regex

I have created a library that allows regular expressions to be more readable. The core of the library is a customizable builder that constructs regular expressions.

Commits in the repository automatically trigger new builds on travis-ci. I ensure the code coverage is 100%. See the GitHub repository for more information, including a user guide with code examples.

I don't maintain this project. It was mainly to learn how to create my own library: add proper documentation, deploying to Maven Central and writing a good README.


Programming languages

















Experience with:
  • Docker
  • Git and Subversion
  • Gradle, Maven and npm
  • PostgreSQL, Db2, H2 and Oracle databases
  • Bamboo, Travis CI, TeamCity and GitHub Actions
  • Linux
  • IntelliJ IDEA



2022 - 2022

Master mathematics

University of Leiden

Minor education

University of Leiden

Second degree teaching qualification in mathematics.


Bachelor mathematics

University of Leiden
2011 - 2014


My biggest hobby is programming but, besides that, I do also have a social life. I love to play squash, which is my favorite sport. You can find me regularly on the squash court. In addition I love to read epic fantasy books. Brandon Sanderson peaked my interest.

Apart from gaming, I very much enjoy board games. I mostly play games with lots of strategy and little luck. My two most favorite boardgames are Dominion and Terraforming Mars. Can you beat me?